Tuesday 4 November 2008

Leader of all leaders!

So today is the day the America public vote for their new president. Admittedly I have my own thoughts on politics, but what is amazing is how much time, energy and money people spend in order to win the support of humans. What if we spend the same resources on getting people to follow the example and character of Jesus Christ - wouldn't that be more worthwhile? I know it sounds very idealistic, but we are allowed to dream, aren't we? My devotion this morning reminded me that I need to choose my leaders carefully. We all follow people, whether we care to admit it or not - in fact, everyday we end up making up a choice who we will follow during that day. Most often we follow ourselves or someone else. However, as Joshua said: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)This is my commitment for today - I choose to follow Jesus Christ. I will wake up tomorrow and make the same choice - and the next day! Choose today whom you will serve!
Don't forget to Live in His Grace.

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