Monday 17 November 2008

Rest - oh, yes please!

"On the 7th day God continued to work and work, until he was so exhausted that he burnt out and had to be hospitalised. In the end the Angels had to take over his responsibilities." - Genesis 2:1. Does it really say this? Of course not! So, if God deemed it necessary to take time out, then why don't we? Genesis 2:1 actually says, " on the 7th day he rested from all his work!" That is the way we ought to live our lives - the Sabbath principle is crucial for our well-being. We need to let our 'souls catch up with our bodies.' If you hadn't gathered, I am working on my day off and I am feeling tired. It is hard, because we are involved with a funeral of someone who means a lot to us, but one still feels tired after working for '6 days.' God knew what he was doing when he created the Sabbath - I just pray that I can honour it properly and therefore glorify Him. May you live in Grace and in the strength of the Almighty God! Oh, and by the way, I am taking Wednesday as my Sabbath....Amen to that!
Living in Grace,

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