Friday 31 July 2009

Charging the darkness!

Gary Haugen shares a powerful illustration of how when his kids were small they were afraid to go into their rooms if it was too dark. In order to help them overcome their fear he made up a little game. He called them together at the bedroom door and then explained to them that they had nothing to be afraid of. Once he had done this he ran wildly into the room screaming, with them following after him. He called this game 'Charging the darkness!'

When we face fears of all kinds let's remember that Jesus stood at the door of our greatest fear (death) and he 'Charged the Darkness.' Three days later he returned from the room of 'death' - He was ALIVE and full of Glory.

God says,"So do not fear, for I am with you..." (Isaiah 41:10)

Charging the darkness, because Grace has led the way...

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