Friday 10 July 2009

Creating Memories

We have just had a wonderfully time away as a family. There were so many things about this 'break' that were special and unique - but above all, the whole time will be treasured in our memory banks as an 'awesome holiday'.

I think the past few months have re-emphasised for me the importance of 'living in the now' and enjoying the truly valuable things in life (like family and friendships). For the first time in ages, I tried to be really 'present' with my family during the 5 days away. By this I mean - living every moment to the fullest. So often I find myself planning and thinking ahead to the next 'thing' or 'event' or 'project' that I forget to embrace the gift I am presently living. By doing this I miss out on the treasures that are before me and end up stressing a little longer about stuff that can actually wait.

So, with the guidance of the Spirit, I sincerely tried to put other agenda's aside and I sought to savour every swim, walk, meal and time of laughter with Kim and the kids. In the end I think it worked - God was good to all of us and I will remember this week for years to come.

God you have been a generous friend - You Grace is endless. Thank you for allowing me to touch the hem of your garment.

Thanks for walking this road of Grace with me,

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