Saturday 11 July 2009

Just in Case!

I have been doing a fair amount of packing and unpacking the past couple of weeks. I have to admit that I thought I would be better at it by now, but I am still a bad packer. The reason why I am so bad is because I am a 'just in case' packer. You know what I mean? I pack a few things that I know I probably won't wear or need, but I put them in 'Just in case!'

I am not sure what 'Just in case' could mean exactly, but I guess I want to be prepared for the unexpected... hey, that's how I justify myself, so give me some space! Sadly, I have realised that most of the 'just in case' things that I pack never get worn or used and all I have succeeded in doing is moving them from my home to some other place and then back again. What a waste of time, effort and energy.

Perhaps my 'just in case' packing habit tells me about my indecisiveness or my attachment to 'things'. Maybe it confirms my innate desire to be a 'superstar' or perhaps it simply points out that I need a bigger suitcase. Perhaps the truth is in one of these possibilities.

What I am challenged by is that in my life I can't afford to be a person who carries emotional baggage around with me 'just in case' I may want to deal with it one day. As a Christ-follower I need to trust Jesus with every part of my life and to leave unneccessary burdens at the foot of the Cross. I don't need to carry stuff with me from one friendship to the next, one relationship to the next, one job to the next - you get the point!

Jesus clearly invites us to 'come to me all you who are weary and heavy burden and I will give you rest.' (Matthew 11:28) That's one invitation I can't afford to ignore.

Grace to you,
Living in Grace,

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