Thursday 2 July 2009

Weddings, fishing and surprise!

Kim and I are busy preparing to go to her brother's wedding on Saturday. I have the honour of leading the service and she is playing the music during the ceremony - it is really going to be a family affair. Our little 'warriors' are going to be 'Page-boys', which should be really interesting. I'll let you know how that one goes - we have bribed them already, but I have my reservations. Monty Python here we come!

Weddings can be filled with a whole bunch of different emotions, but it certainly feels as if this is going to be a wonderful time of celebration, family re-unions (the aunts & uncles that you haven't seen since the last funeral/wedding) and much laughter. Life is not easy, but these specials moments are to be enjoyed all the more. That's why Jesus loved to be in the middle of these events (John 2 -wedding at Cana) - He embraced Life and He wanted us to truly live for the moment. His Kingdom is near, so let's live in His Adunbant life.

Typically the groom and other guys enjoy a round of golf (or something similar) on the morning of the Wedding - this time, we are going 'Fishing' - we will probably catch no trout, but that's not the point. The object is to 'man-bond' - in other words, just stare at our line in the water and make the odd chirp across the dam. Most of these comments will be directed towards the groom! It is his fault for choosing to get married on 'Independence Day!!'

Lastly, family occasions are always filled with surprises - one can never predict when and how they arrive, but they always turn up. I look forward to these moments - the unpredictability makes the whole weekend seem dynamic and alive. I will keep you all posted, especially if there are some real gems.

Anyway, I leave these words with you...

"Everything in Christ astonishes me." - Napoleon

May we be astonished by His Unending Grace,

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