Tuesday 11 March 2014

Your value - Lent 7

In our modern age we have all kinds of ways of evaluating things.
  • If a business meets it's financial targets we consider it to be a success. 
  • If a university student gets more than 75% we consider this to be a First class pass.
  • If we remember enough information we can pass our Learner driver's test.
  • You may make a certain sports team if you consistently play well.
But how does God evaluate us?

"Your value is not calculated by the number of visions you have, by your skill in the scriptures, or by your position in relation to others. You are most worthy if you are truly humble and full of divine love, and if you seek only my honour." - Thomas a Kempis

Remember that God sees us as his children. He loves us way beyond our wildest thoughts or imaginations. God cares!

Living in Grace

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