Monday 26 May 2014

When being "unwilling" changes your life

Have you ever done something unwillingly, but then been greatly surprised by what you experience? Like perhaps going to an event (...kicking and screaming) and then having your breath taken away by what happens? On the evening of the 24th May 1738, John Wesley was feeling down and disappointed - there we so many things happening in his life that were weighing down on his spirit.

The last thing he felt like was going to Church, but he went unwillingly to a service in Aldersgate street, London. And it was during this service that he encountered God in a powerful way - actually in a life changing way. It was while someone was reading Martin Luther's preface to the book Romans that the Holy Spirit spoke deeply into his heart. This is what he wrote afterwards:

"I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death." - John Wesley

These are my simply reflections on this story:
1. Worship is not about how I feel, but rather about putting myself in the presence of God and His people. If I only go to Church when I feel like it, then I may miss out on the blessing of an encounter with Jesus.
2. When we give Jesus a chance, he can surprise us.
3. Taking our pains and disappointments to God can never be a bad thing.
4. Our experience of God is not just a once off event, but Christ continues to reveal more of his glory to us.
5. Never underestimate the power of God's spirit to renew you and to inspire you for a future task.

What are your thoughts on this? Drop me a mail if you get a chance.

God bless you

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