Sunday 14 September 2014

The sacred blessing

There were only a few things that Jesus instructed his disciples to do after he had gone. One of those was to share in a meal of Remembrance, which is called by many different names - Holy Communion, The Lord's Supper, The Eucharist, Mass, A Love Feast and so on.

Believers approach this awesome meal from different angles, all seeking to express our devotion to Jesus. Some communities make the Lord's Supper open to all people and allow it to be instituted by any believer, while other churches require an Ordained person to bless the elements first. I am not going to get into the different theolgies today, but I want to invite us into a reflection on how we 'personally' experience this meal.

I think the following thoughts may be a helpful starting point:

"If the Lord's Supper were served in only one place, by only one ordained person in the world, many would make a sacred pilgrimage to experience it. But Communion celebrations are offered everywhere... This Communion is health to my soul and body." - Thomas a Kempis

As I read this I reflected on how I easily forget the massive gift Communion is to me. It is always a reminder of God's grace and mercy, revealed in the person of Jesus. I pray that the next time I share in this 'Gift' that I am touched by the Love of Jesus again.

Living in Grace

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