Friday 3 April 2015

Deus, Deus Meus

In my post yesterday I shared those harrowing words from Jesus, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" As I mentioned, there are a few different understandings of these words, but I wanted to reflect on the first part of his cry today.

What could his words, "My God, My God!" mean for us? In Latin, these words are translated "Deus, Deus, Meus!" On a very simple level they remind us that even though Jesus was feeling abandoned by his father (in that brief moment), he still identified God as being "My Father." It speaks of a deep relationship with his dad, despite the circumstances.

Have we got to that point in our lives where we call Jesus, "My God?" I am not talking about this in a possessive sense, because we can never own God, but in the sense of belonging to Jesus?

Are you able to say "Deus Meus" this Easter?

The motto for the Fransicans is "Deus Meus et Omnia" (My Lord and My ALL!")

Living in Grace

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