Tuesday 23 June 2015

Qualities of a Leader

Proverbs 11:14 Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers.

I came across an article in the paper entitled "Seven qualities of a good leader." It made for interesting reading, and the author Barbara White, made some sound comments. As we were reflecting on these qualities, we realised that there are a few crucial qualities missing, especially if one reflects on Godly leadership. Although leadership in the Christian context needs all of these 7 qualities, we feel that there are a few extra qualities that we would love our Christian leaders to display. As you read through the list of Seven qualities, think about which characteristics are missing. Please take a minute to jot them down and email me back - thanks.

Here is a summary of Barbara White's 7 qualities of a good leader:
1. Exemplary character
2. Enthusiasm for the cause
3. Confidence in setting direction
4. Needs to be able to lead people through times of uncertainty
5. Tolerant of ambiguity and remains calm in storms of life - remains steadfast to the main purpose
6. Can think analytically
7. Committed to excellence

What would you add and why?

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. —John Maxwell

It is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself. —Latin Proverb

Living in Grace

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